If you’re already a foster carer and want to transfer to Bedford Borough Council, then please get in touch.

We aim to make your transfer as smooth as possible.
Why transfer to Bedford Borough Council?
- All children needing foster families are under the care of the local authority
- We will always place our children with Bedford Borough foster carers first, before asking foster carers from other agencies
- You're more likely to have children placed with you than when you are with an independent agency
- Our children need may need short or long term care
- Our fostering service is a non-profit organisation and our financial resources are put directly into supporting Bedford Borough children
- Training will take place within Bedfordshire
- Children will usually attend local schools
- We have a supportive network of existing foster carers
- You can transfer to us with a child in placement with you
- We make sure you are fully supported as a foster carer
- We offer a generous financial support package
Get in touch to find out more
Alternatively, phone us on 01234 718718 or email fostering@bedford.gov.uk.
Download the fostering information pack (PDF).