Community volunteering

Want to spend more time outdoors and help to improve the environment? Find out more about environmental volunteering opportunities in Bedford.

Register as a volunteer

Register your interest in any of our volunteering opportunities:

Register to volunteer 

We will add your details to the volunteer database and send you regular updates on upcoming events and task days.

Community volunteers in Bedford

You can become a volunteer at any age (under 16s must be accompanied by an adult).

Park Champions and Friends of Parks Scheme

Our Parks Champions and Friends of Parks scheme is perfect if you want to spend more time outdoors and volunteering in your local park or green space.

Community Champions

Community Champions are proactive in their local area reporting issues and picking up litter to help keep our streets, clean, safe and green. They also attend community clean-up days and environmental events.

You can give as little or as much time as you want, and can cover as many streets as you wish. All equipment will be provided.

Event Champions

Event Champions support events held by the events team by assisting with carrying out visitor satisfaction surveys, taking photographs, staffing information points, handing out programmes and flyers and keeping the event clear of litter.

Community clean ups

We welcome clean-up requests from all members of the community, whether you are a resident, community or faith group, parish clerk/councillor or ward councillor.

On average, we support around 100 community litter picks every year and thousands of bags of litter are removed from our community spaces. 

We provide all the equipment needed for a clean-up: 

  • litter pickers
  • gloves
  • high visibility jackets
  • bags and bag hoops
  • health and safety forms and guidance
  • registration forms

We also remove all the litter once collected. 

Please email if you would like to book a community litter pick event.

Help us water a tree

If you spot a newly-planted tree with support stakes you can help by watering the tree during the summer months. In the first year of planting trees need watering once or twice a week, in the second year, every other week and from the third year onwards, only when it is hot and dry. Giving the tree a good drink with 20 litres of water is better than little and often.

Risk assessments

Once you have registered to become a community volunteer, please read our risk assessments to stay safe when volunteering for us.


Contact community volunteering 

Events and Community Engagement Officer
