The Council provides a broad range of services and functions, many of which require the processing of personal data.
Our overall Data Protection Policy Statement sets out our approach to, and intention to, manage personal data we hold in a way that is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
For information about personal data obtained through the Council’s website please read Council’s statement on the use of ‘cookies’ here.
You can also view our privacy statements that apply to individual services and functions below. These statements explain your rights as data subjects under GDPR, and how you can exercise these rights.
All documents open in PDF format.
Adults' services
- Active Adults
- Adults Request for a New or Amended Provider
- Adult Social Care Self Assessment
- Adults Social Care General Enquiry Form
- Care Standards Monitoring Service - Quality Assurance Care Standards Form
- Care Standards Monitoring Service - Quality Assurance Report
- Carers Self Assessment
- Client Transport Authorisations (School and Adult)
- Data Protection Privacy Statement - Direct Payment for Adult Health Care
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Engaging with Bedford Borough Council Commercial Property Tenants
- Event booking notice
- External Approved S12 assessors and Best Interests Assessors
- Multi Activity/Sport Disability Clubs
- Physical Activity Event or Festival
- Pre-paid Purchase Cards for Adult Social Care
- Request for a new Professional person and or Organisation to be added to Swift
- Activities associated with Trading Standards and the Local Weights and Measures Authority
- Equality and Diversity Audit of Town Deal Board
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund Grants
Children's services
- Administrative service for all school appeals
- Allocation of winter support grant
- Assessing the performance of our service in meeting defined needs of Troubled Families
- BLIS Strategy launch event registration
- Child Missing Education
- Childcare Request Form
- Children and Young People
- Client Transport Authorisations (school and adult)
- Education Welfare Service
- Eligibility for Nursery Education Funding
- Family Hubs and Children's Centres
- For families to be able to refer into Early Help
- Fostering
- Free school meals
- Free school meals opt-out scheme
- Governor services
- NHS Number Matching for Bedford Boroughs Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities
- NQT Quality of Care (for newly qualified teachers)
- Privacy Notice for SEND Panel Information Sharing and Quality Assurance Process
- Registration of NQTs with the Borough as the Appropriate Body for Induction (newly qualified teachers)
- ECT survey for teachers in Bedford Borough
- Research purposes
- School Transport
- Tracking and monitoring of young people
- Parental consent for Educational Psychology Assessments
- Collection of immigration data
- Research in respect of the care young people receive on behalf of children services
- Allocation of Social Housing
- Assessment Hub – Direct Payment for Adult Health Care
- BID Levies
- Blue Badges
- Citizens Panel (Consultations)
- Collect Responses to Consultations
- Community Hub
- Concessionary Travel Passes
- Consultations
- Crisis and Home in the Community Grant Awards
- Customer Feedback
- Council Tax
- Data Subject Access Request
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Eulogies Archive
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme Feedback
- Grants Awards
- Housing Benefits
- NNDR (Business Rates)
- Personal Budgeting Support (Universal Credit)
- Pre-paid Purchase Cards for Adult Social Care
- Prevention and Relief of Homelessness
- Responding to Archives Enquiry
- Responding to reports of empty properties
- Submit an FOI Enquiry
- Test and Trace support payments
- Travellers Sites
- Assessing Pension Training Needs
- BACS Payments
- CHAPS and Overseas Payments
- Engaging with Bedford Borough Council commercial property tenants
- GDPR Privacy Notice for Recruiting Member Representative for Local Pension Board
- Maintenance of the Supplier List
- Bedford Markets
Environmental services
- Attending the Sports Village at the Bedford River Festival 2020
- Bedford Borough Council CCTV System
- Bereavement Services
- Bus stop suspensions
- Communication with River Festival stakeholders
- Complaint regarding Anti-Social Behaviour
- Emergency Assistance Centres
- Environmental Services Report
- Environmental Services Request
- Fitness and/or Sessional Activity Organisers’ and ‘Land Hirers & Outdoor Event Applicants
- Repayment of Home Energy (Boiler Replacement) Loan
- Transporting Bedford 2020 Highways project
- Volunteers Enquiry Form
- Bedford Borough’s 2020 Sport and Physical Activity Heroes
- To deliver the Safer Streets initiative in the Midland Road area
- Responding to orders placed to purchase memorials
- Deliver the service of allotments
- Appointments permits for Household Waste Recycling Centre
- Management of allotment tenancies and sports pitch bookings
Information governance
Law and corporate governance
Community centres:
Internal audit:
Libraries and Culture
- Customer Comments Complaints and Queries - Libraries
- Events Database - Libraries
- Library membership - online registration
- Requesting titles that are not in library stock
- Cultural Services Box Office
- Corn Exchange - Visitor Information
- Corn Exchange - Volunteer Information
- Corn Exchange - Venue Hire
- Animal Activity Licensing
- Charitable Collections and Society Lotteries
- DWA Licence
- Gambling Act 2005
- Personal Licences
- Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates
- Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Drivers Licence
- Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences
- Private Hire Operator Licence
- Scrap Metal Dealers Licence
- Sex Shop and SEV Licence
- Street Trading and Highways Table and Chairs
- Temporary Events Notice
- Zoo Licensing
Parking services
Personnel services
- Applicant Privacy Notice
- BTAC (Administration of Qualifications and Training Courses)
- Employee Privacy Notice
- External delegates booking a training course
- Work experience or volunteering placement
- Applying for details to be added to the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
- Planning Enforcement Investigations
- Planning - Response to Applicant Agent on Planning Enquiries
- Planning - Response to Applicant Agent about S106 Agreements
- Consultation on the Local Plan
- Keeping contact information on the Planning Policy database
Planning application:
Public Health
- National Child Measurement Programme
- COVID-19 health champions
- Grant applicants for COVID vaccination uptake project
Reuse, recycling and waste services
- Apply for a Waste Permit
- Assisted Collections
- Bin or Sacks Request
- Commercial Clinical Waste Collection
- Domestic Clinical Waste Collection
- Household Recycling Centre Feedback
- Missed Bin Collection
- Recycling and Waste General Enquiry
- Refuse and Recycling Report
- Trade Waste Recycling Collection Quotation Request
- Appointments/Permits for the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)
- Bus stop suspensions
- MOT Booking
- Sustainable Travel Access to Rail Stations (STARS) feedback survey
- Sustrans Business Walking Project
- Transporting Bedford 2020 Highways Project