Bedford Borough Council takes fraud very seriously and are committed to protecting public funds and services from fraud and abuse. 

Fraud and abuse of Council funds and services reduces the amount support the council can provide to our most vulnerable service users.

The dedicated Investigation Service works across all council service areas to investigate allegations of fraud and abuse, take action to stop and recover losses and instigate legal proceedings where necessary.

How to report fraud

If you know or suspect someone is committing fraud, you can tell us about it using the link below:

Report fraud

Report other types of fraud

You can find more information about and report other types of fraud using the links below:

Learn about our Fraud Investigation Service

Bedford Borough Council's Fraud Investigation Service is dedicated to investigating allegations of fraud and abuse within the Council's systems and services in order to reduce or stop losses and costs incurred.

The Investigation Service has multiple tools available to help them investigate fraud/abuse and when evidence of fraud/abuse is found suspects will be invited to attend an interview under caution to give their account of the events.

Following an investigation or interview, a full report will be submitted to consider further action. This may include:

  • A formal Caution, (a full admission needs to be made for a formal Caution to be considered)
  • An Administrative Penalty (an additional 50% charge of any overpayment for Council Tax Support offences)
  • Eviction from a social housing property
  • Unlawful Profit Order, an order to repay any money made from subletting a social housing property
  • Prosecution

Bedford Borough Council will use all available routes to recover losses due to fraud/abuse and costs associated with the investigation of these matters.

Anti-fraud policies and strategies