Other services for children and young people

Following are some links to services, organisations and information which may be helpful for or of interest to children and young people (note most of these links are to external websites):

  • Mind Of My Own - makes it easier for children and young people to express their views.
  • Childline - run by the NSPCC
  • Child and Youth Voice - BYC - We empower young people across the UK to have a say and be heard.
  • Children's Commissioner - has unique statutory powers to stand up fro the rights of children and to seek out any hidden issues affecting the most vulnerable
  • Children's Rights - the Children's Rights Alliance for England
  • SEND Local Offer - sets out, in one place, what support and services are available for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs and their families in Bedford Borough.
  • Sports Activities - Bedford Borough's Sports Development Team aim to provide quality opportunities at all levels of sport, promoting sport as an activity that enables individuals to develop their own performances to their maximum potential, whilst highlighting the personal and social benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Young People's Directory - Bedford Borough's Early Help Guide - "Right support Right Action Right Time"
  • Youth Advocacy - The National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) is a rights based charity which operates across England and Wales for children, young people and adults.
  • Youth Parliament - UK Youth Parliament provides opportunities for 11-18 year olds to use their elected voice to bring about social change through meaningful representation and campaigning..

Get involved and have your say

If you want to find out more or to get involved please:

Tel: 01234 718440

Email: voice@bedford.gov.uk

Together we will create a strong voice for children and young people in care.