Fostering is when someone looks after a child or young person who is unable to stay with their own (birth) family. It could be for short period of time, or more long term depending on the circumstances.

The child or young person will live in your home, so they will need their own bedroom if there more than three years old.

Can I foster?

Family in park

Almost anyone can become a foster carer, and we are looking for a wide range. 

You can be:

  • single
  • married
  • employed or unemployed
  • with or without children (of any age)
  • retired or stay at home
  • a homeowner or renting

You must:

  • be over 21 years old
  • have a spare bedroom (for a child over the age of three)

Our foster carers reflect a wide range of circumstances, faiths and life experience. People of all backgrounds, abilities and ages are considered.

What skills are needed?

Some experience in childcare would be useful, although not essential.

If you go ahead with the assessment process, you may well discover that you have plenty of skills and experience that will be really beneficial as a foster carer.

We do ask that you are able to:

  • safeguard and care for the child/young person
  • encourage them to achieve their full potential
  • listen to them and act as an advocate
  • encourage family time arrangements 
  • be part of the fostering team
  • display basic IT/computer skills
  • encourage their school attendance
  • support their existing hobbies and encourage new ones
  • support their friendships and encourage social skills
  • be committed to developing your own skills and knowledge

Get in touch to find out more

Enquire about fostering

Alternatively, phone us on 01234 718718 or email

Download the fostering information pack (PDF).