Every foster carer is different, as are the children they care for. Read our foster carer stories to find out more. 

Sophie and Charlie's story

Lou's story

Ian's story

Leyanne’s story

I have wanted to foster ever since I was 16 and learnt that my mum was not my birth mother.

She had married my father, loved me as her own child, and raised me even after she and Dad divorced. She offered me unconditional love. This inspired me to do the same.

My husband and I have been fostering with Bedford Borough Council for nearly 11 years, starting when our children were aged three and six. At first, we worried that our children would be too young, but in hindsight it was the best thing we ever did. We see a side to them that very few parents get to see. Our children have shared their entire lives. They have been selfless and continue to be so.

We have cared for around 30 children, ranging from newborns up to aged 13. Some have stayed with us for a weekend, others have been part of the family for years. We currently have two long-term children who will be with us until they are adults and beyond.

The relationships among carers in Bedford Borough makes for a great source of support. We also have a social worker who is available for regular supervision and whenever you need help and advice. There is also an out-of-hours service to fill the gap.

Quotes from Kids Who Share

Kids Who Share are birth children of approved foster carers who share their family with foster children. We asked a group of Kids Who Share from the ages of 8 to 17 the question “Can you sum up in one sentence what it’s like being part of a fostering family?”.

Two boys on a couch

Here are the responses:

  • It’s really worth worthwhile because you get to change a child’s life and give them a home.
  • Fostering is like having an extra sister to love.
  • Fostering isn’t as easy as it looks. When the kids come you get used to them and when they go it’s sometimes hard to say goodbye.
  • When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.
  • Fostering isn’t easy, but the outcome is wonderful because you’ve changed someone’s life for the better.
  • It’s hard to see them leave, but it’s good to see the change in the child.
  • I get to share my parents.
  • It’s difficult seeing a child leave our home after showing a strong bond and attachment.
  • It’s good to know we’re helping someone.
  • You need to learn to adapt to having brand new people.
  • Sometimes children have to stay with people for a really long time, I feel sad for them.
  • It’s difficult seeing the child leave especially after they’ve been with us for a while and we have got attached to them.
  • We help kids get a new temporary family.
  • I want people to know that I can’t answer all of their questions.

Get in touch to find out more:

Enquire about fostering

Alternatively, phone us on 01234 718718 or email fostering@bedford.gov.uk.

Download the fostering information pack (PDF).