Not everyone has family or friends to care for them at home and some people would rather not ask family or friends for help.
If you have an assessment of your needs you may be eligible for help at home, which can include helping you to wash or with meal preparation.
You may have to pay a financial contribution towards your care, or, pay for all of it.
If you are not eligible for care at home or with your housework, or, if you have enough money to pay for all of your care, you may prefer to arrange this for yourself.
The Council has a list of preferred home care providers who cover specific areas of Bedford Borough who can help with this:
- Mayfair Homecare LTD
- Bedfordshire Supported Housing LTD
- Hands in Harmony Home Care LTD
- Mega Resources LTD
- Better Healthcare
- First Care (GB) LTD
- Sahara Community Care
- Line of Sight Care Ltd
- Helpers Homecare Ltd
- Sage Care Ltd
- Zach's Care PVT Ltd
- Swivel Healthcare Ltd
- Peoples Choice UK Ltd
- Quality Support Solutions
There are many other agencies listed in the Bedfordshire and Luton Directory of adult care and support services which includes guidance on paying for care, different support options and finding help to live at home.