Section 106 notices 

Our S106 notices will look different from April 2024, however the information contained within the notices remains largely the same. If you have any queries please contact us at

Section 106 (S106) agreements are legally binding planning obligations entered into between a local authority and a developer. They are made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and provide the mechanism by which measures are secured to make the impact of proposed development, that would otherwise have been refused, acceptable.

This can be through:

  • financial contributions
  • works
  • activities or restrictions relating to the use of land and buildings.

These measures must be directly relevant to the development proposed on the application.

See the planning obligations pages on GOV.UK for guidance on their use.

S106 agreements have been scaled back following the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy which runs in parallel (see more information about in the policies section below).

View S106 agreements and submitting an enquiry

View and find applications and documents

Request information about a S106

Please note we do not provide a copy of the S106 document itself or any planning documents, these are online and self-service as explained in the section above. Please do not complete this form for copies of documents as the fee will be refunded and you will be directed online.

For S106 compliance, discharge or any other information requests, you must provide the application number the S106 relates to and complete this form and pay online: 

Planning obligations (Section 106) information request

The fee is £130.10 including VAT and can be paid when completing the form. 

There is a 28 day target for these requests but this can be longer due to the complexity of the requests and S106 agreements.

How to discharge, vary and comply with S106 agreements

Please make sure you use the correct form for your request as there are three options, and ensure you provide the application number the S106 relates to on the form:

1. If you want to discharge / comply with clauses or details within the S106 agreement please complete S106 Form 1 (Word). Please note: The form must include the clause number(s) you wish to discharge / comply with or we cannot accept it.

If you wish to vary or discharge the entire S106 agreement itself:

2. A formal application process is required if the variation or discharge is over 5 years from the S106 being signed and the decision issued on the associated planning application. Please complete S106 Form 2 (Word).

3. A formal application is not required if the variation or discharge is within 5 years of the S106 being signed and the decision issued on the associated planning application. However, we do require details which must be supplied so Legal and Planning can process your request. Please complete S106 Form 3 (Word).

The decisions and S106 agreements along with any associated documents will be published online.

S106 policies and CIL

The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the Council’s policy for securing planning obligations from new developments that require planning permission and how this has been changed by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Planning obligations will still be used to secure affordable housing and to mitigate site specific impacts. The SPD was adopted on 17 July 2013 following consultation and amendment.

The Planning Obligations SPD is a material consideration, having weight when considering planning applications for new development.

For more information on CIL please see

For queries with S106 policies or the Planning Obligation SPD please email

For queries with a S106 request you have submitted and paid for on the form above please contact

S106 Annual Report

See details of all S106 contributions received and spent (PDF files):