Making and submitting an application

To apply you can do any of the following:

  • Download an application form (see below). Once completed, the original and three copies of the form, together with all the accompanying plans, drawings, reports and other information, should be sent to the Minerals and Waste Team at Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ.
  • Submit the application electronically via the Planning Portal website. Please note this is not an option for applications for full planning permission for mineral extraction or associated development (including the variation or removal of conditions following the grant of a mineral planning permission). If it is not possible to submit via the Planning Portal, applications can be submitted by email or CD to the Central Bedfordshire address above. Please mark for the attention of the Minerals And Waste team.
  • Contact the Minerals and Waste Team on 0300 300 8307 or email for an application form.

Minerals and waste application forms and validation checklists

1. The Planning Application Form for Mineral Extraction and Associated Development including the variation or removal of conditions following the grant of planning permission and relevant validation checklist can be downloaded here:

For all other types of minerals and waste applications please apply through the Planning Portal or download a copy of the relevant application form.

Minerals and waste validation checklists can be downloaded from here:

2. Full planning permission for waste facilities, including change of use

3. Variation or removal of conditions following the grant of planning permission for waste development

4. Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use or development (minerals or waste development)

5. Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use or development (minerals or waste development)

6. Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development - excavation/waste material

7. Non-material amendment to an existing planning permission (minerals or waste development)