Dangerous structures
Dangerous structures can be buildings, walls, fences or any other structure that because of its condition presents a danger to the public.
Fire, impact from vehicles and severe weather can all leave structures in a dangerous condition.
If you discover a dangerous structure please report it to us. We will inspect it as soon as we can.
If we feel that the public is in immediate danger, we will contact the owner and ask them to make it safe or cordoned off.
If we cannot contact the owner, under our emergency powers we will undertake the work ourselves and recover our costs from the owner.
Owners have a duty in law to maintain their property in a safe condition.
If you want to demolish a building or part of a building you must send Building Control a Section 80 Notice unless:
- the building volume is less then 50m3
- the demolition is of an internal part of an occupied building, which is intended to remain occupied
- the building is a greenhouse, conservatory, shed or prefabricated garage
- it's an agricultural building, unless it is connected to another building that is not an agricultural building
- it's in pursuance of a demolition order under the Housing Act 1985
You must also send a copy of the Notice to the:
- occupier of any building adjacent to the building being demolished
- gas supplier in whose authorised area the building is situated
- electricity supplier in whose authorised area the building is situated
You must not start any demolition work until:
- until six weeks after you have submitted the notice to us, or
- until you have received our notice authorising the demolition (Section 81 Notice)
Our Section 81 Notice will impose conditions that must be adhered to in order to protect public safety and make sure the site of any demolition is left in an acceptable state.
You may also need planning permission for the demolition. Contacting Development Services for more information.
Contact Building Control
Email: buildingcontrol@bedford.gov.uk
Tel: 01234 718081
Tel: 01234 267422 (out of hours)