Our aim is to keep traffic flowing across Bedford Borough, but also to keep residents safe. If you believe vehicles are speeding down your road then there are various measures we might be able to put in place to prevent this, such as:

  • speed humps
  • speed tables
  • speed cushions
  • raised junction
  • speed cameras

The implementation of traffic calming measures is based on assessment, priority, and available funding. All requests will be considered, but not all requests may be granted.

To request a traffic calming measure, please contact the Highways Helpdesk on Highways.helpdesk@bedford.gov.uk or telephone 01234 718003.

Speed limit change

You can request a speed limit change on a road, the request will take into account:

  • the characteristics of the road, such as its alignment
  • the level of activity alongside the road
  • the accident record
  • existing local speed limits
  • the cost of the works and enforcement.

If after consideration a change in speed limit is granted, a new traffic regulation order would need to be approved.

All requests will be considered, but not all requests may be granted.

To request a speed limit change, please contact the Highways Helpdesk on Highways.helpdesk@bedford.gov.uk or telephone 01234 718003.

Average speed cameras

If you feel a road is unsafe and is in need of an average speed camera, you can request one. Below is the link to the Bedford Borough Council policy on the introduction of average speed cameras and the specific criteria that needs to be met for this equipment to be funded and maintained by the Borough. Should this criteria not be met this document provides alternative options in terms of speed management and options for the funding of the average speed cameras. 

Average speed camera policy 

Bedford Borough Council receive no Central Government funding for the introduction of Average Speed Cameras and receive none of the money generated from the fines the Average Speed Cameras generate penalising speeding motorists.

To request a speed camera please contact the Road Safety team at Road.Safety@bedford.gov.uk.