Authorisation holders will be required to submit and pay for a renewal application at least 6 weeks prior to expiry date of their Authorisation. The process will require you to complete the application form below. A DBS form will be sent to you for completion. Please read the guidance notes before you begin as they contain important information regarding the DBS application and the other requirements of your application.

Where licensees are continuing to work, this should be in line with the Government guidance which may be subject to change - see GOV.UK for further information.

Apply to renew a Client Transport Authorisation

Anyone applying for grant or renewal of a Client Transport Authorisation must have the right to work in the UK. The Council must check that this applies to every applicant before issuing or renewing a authorisation.


Authorisations are issued for a 3-year term, or to the first expiry date of any supporting documentation, whichever occurs soonest. If an authorisation expires prior to the 3-year term you may complete an application for a Mid Term Extension application (PDF).

PATS providers

Email Community Transport Association UK at for details of PATS providers in your area.

GDPR and Privacy Statements

View the full privacy statement for Client Transport Authorisations


If you have queries on the processing of applications please contact:

For queries in relation to Client Transport please contact: