Alcohol and entertainment licensing - Overview

Individuals or organisations which provide certain licensable activities, such as selling alcohol, providing regulated entertainment, or supplying late-night refreshment, must hold licences to authorise these activities, under the Licensing Act 2003.

Licensing Act 2003

The Licensing Act 2003 introduced significant changes to licensing laws. The provisions of that Act, as originally enacted, has, in turn, been subsequently amended significantly and amalgamated six existing licensing regimes:

  • alcohol
  • public entertainment
  • cinemas
  • theatres
  • late night refreshment houses
  • night cafes

Within this section you can:

  • download application forms
  • find out general information about what we do
  • pay for a licence

Downloadable documents

To download copies of the information leaflets and application forms regarding the Licensing Act 2003, please go to the relevant pages listed below:

Cumulative Impact Policy areas adopted

Please note that from May 2018, three Cumulative Impact Policy areas apply to the following licence types. Details of the premises which are within the boundary areas are available below.

A Review of the CIP zones was carried out by the Authority and it was determined that the 3 zones are to remain within the policy. This received Full Council approval on 13 July 2022.

The effect of adopting a Cumulative Impact Policy is to create a "rebuttable presumption". That is, if relevant representations are received, applications for new premises licences and club premises certificates or material variations to existing licences / certificates will not be granted, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the operation of the premises involved will not add to the cumulative impact being experience in a particular area.

Please contact the Licensing Team for further information if required.

Public Registers

Public registers are currently not available. Please contact if you require further details.

Further information

General matters:

Film classification policy 

View the full film classification policy here: Film classification policy (PDF)

The level of the fee for the classification of films is set at £75, plus £1 per minute for the full length of the submitted work and any translation fee is met by the applicant. 

GDPR and Privacy Statements

View the full GDPR privacy statement for Licensing here

Contact Licensing

Should you require further information please contact the Licensing Team as follows:


Bedford Borough Council
Licensing Service
Cauldwell Street
Bedford MK42 9AP