Where a non-domestic property is occupied by a charity (or trustees for a charity), and used wholly or mainly for charitable purposes, the charity or trustees are entitled to mandatory rate relief of 80% of the rates bill.  The Council also has discretion to award up to a further 20% of rate relief.

Sports clubs registered with the HM Revenue and Customs as Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) are entitled to the same rate relief as charities. CASCs are, therefore, entitled to mandatory rate relief of 80%.

The Council has discretionary power to award rate relief for non-domestic properties occupied by certain bodies not established or conducted for profit. The Council has agreed a Policy for awards of this type of rate relief.

Apply for charitable rate relief

Apply for charitable rate relief

Unoccupied property owned or leased by a charity

Where a charity (or the trustees for a charity) is liable to pay rates for an unoccupied non-domestic property full rate relief will be awarded where it appears that when next in use the property will be wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes (whether of that charity or of that and other charities). No rate relief will be awarded where it appears that when next in use the property will not be used for charitable purposes

Council's rate relief policy

The Council has agreed a policy for awards of this type of rate relief. View the Discretionary Rate Relief Policy (PDF) (effective from 1 April 2024).