The Police and Crime Panels plays a vital role in challenging, scrutinising and supporting each Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

It scrutinises the Police and Crime Commissioner's precepts and police and crime plans, conducting confirmation hearings and dealing with complaints against the PCC.


The Police and Crime Panel has a responsibility to informally resolve non-criminal complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner as well as criminal complaints or conduct matters that are referred back to it by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The Panel has agreed that all complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner or his Deputy will initially be dealt with by Bedford Borough Council’s Monitoring Officer (who is also the Panel’s Monitoring Officer).

Submit a complaint about the Police and Crime Commissioner or their Deputy

You will receive an acknowledgement with details of the complaint by email.

If you are unable to use the online form please email:

Further information about how complaints will be dealt with is set out in the Panel’s Complaints Procedure (PDF).

Panel reports and recommendations to the Commissioner

Documents are PDF files.

Panel press releases

All press releases are PDF files.