Member of Youth Parliament elections 2024

The United Kingdom Youth Parliament (UKYP) is a national organisation that supports young people to use their energy and passion to make a difference. Run by young people, for young people, it provides a place and space for young people to use their ideas in creative ways, to get their voices heard and bring about change.

Become a candidate

Each area in the UK has an elected Member of Youth Parliament (MYP) to represent them in the Youth Parliament and Bedford Borough is looking for a new MYP. Could this be you?

Are you good at communicating with people? Passionate about giving young people a voice? Determined to bring about change? Will you be prepared to attend national and regional meetings (with help), to be a part of the Youth Cabinet and represent Bedford Borough in the Houses of Parliament?

You will also have the chance to learn new skills, meet new people from across the UK and have loads of fun.

In February 2024, young people across Bedford Borough will vote for the candidate who they think will be the best person for the job. The person with the most votes becomes the MYP, the person with the second most votes will become the Deputy MYP.

Email us at to find out more about entering the elections as a candidate.

Key election dates and details

Tuesday 12 December 2023 5pm-6pm

Information session (in Bedford) for young people interested in becoming MYP for Bedford Borough, or requesting help to put themselves forward as a candidate.

Email for more details and to book a place.

Friday 29 December 2023

Deadline to submit completed candidate forms for the MYP elections.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Voting begins through schools and online.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Voting closes.

Friday 1 March 2024

New MYP and Deputy MYP for Bedford Borough announced.

Becoming a candidate FAQs

What do I have to do?

As a candidate (someone who wants to be MYP) you need to stand in the elections, this means you share your thoughts on why you think you would be the best person for the job by writing about your skills, experience and passion (this is called a manifesto).

If you are successfully elected, you will be the representative voice of children and young people across Bedford Borough.

You will need to attend the Youth Cabinet meetings and ensure you are collecting as many views as possible. You will also need to attend up to six regional meetings per year where you meet other MYPs from across the UK. There are also some residential trips and the opportunity to attend/speak in the Houses of Parliament.

How long will I be the MYP or Deputy for?

You will be in post from 1 March 2024 to 28 February 2026.

­What is the difference between MYP and the Deputy?

The Deputy works alongside the MYP and will attend most of the same events, such as regional meetings, Youth Cabinet and the training residential.

Some events are just for the MYP, however the Deputy will attend where the MYP cannot to make sure Bedford Borough is always represented.

What training and support is available?

There is lots of support available for you to be the best you can be. There will be training for MYPs and members of the Youth Cabinet to learn all about the role, how it will work and where we set the action plans for the year ahead.

The Council's Engagement and Development Team will support you at all events and meetings. The project is fully funded, there is no cost to you.

What is the Youth Cabinet and why do I have to join this?

The Youth Cabinet is a forum for young people aged 11-18 who get together every month and discuss the most important issues for children and young people in Bedford Borough. They work on campaigns and it’s run completely by children and young people.

The Youth Cabinet also get to meet decision makers and ensure the voice of children and young people is heard as fairly and widely as possible. By being a member you will add to this and also collect other views to help your work.

You will be part of the Youth Cabinet Committee and will get to meet key decision makers like the Mayor of Bedford Borough.

I go to school in Bedford Borough, but I live outside…is this ok?

Yes, you are allowed to be MYP for the Bedford Borough if you live, work or study within it. 

If you live in a neighbouring council's area there may be opportunities there for you to stand as a candidate. So have a think about where you would like to represent as you cannot be a candidate more than one area.

Please email if you have any questions, comments or queries.