Get help and support for pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion from school, or have been permanently excluded.

Help if you are excluded or at risk of being excluded from school

Parents or pupils over 18 years of age who want advice regarding the exclusion process can contact us by email at:

We also write to all families of permanently excluded pupils giving a summary of the exclusion process and our contact details.

We undergo regular training to ensure that they are aware of current legislation regarding the statutory guidance on exclusion and disabilities, and the strategies to support behavioural difficulties that place a pupil at risk of exclusion from school.

The aim of the team is to ensure that exclusion from school is a final resort, and that those involved in the process have access to the guidance provided by the Department for Education.

Role of the Inclusion and Welfare Team 

The Inclusion and Welfare Team: 

  • can be contacted for advice and guidance regarding the exclusion process
  • can attend meetings in schools where a pupil is identified as being at risk of permanent exclusion
  • attends governors' meetings
  • attends Independent Review Panels to review the decision to permanently exclude a pupil 

Permanent exclusion from school

A parent can ask for a review against a schools decision to permanently exclude their child. The Governing Body will meet within fifteen school days of the exclusion and if they do not over-turn the permanent exclusion you can ask for this decision to be reviewed by an Independent Review Panel. The Independent Review Panels (IRP) are arranged and clerked by Democratic and Registration Services in Bedford Borough Council.

The Inclusion and Welfare Team can provide you with advice on the exclusion process including information about reviews against permanent exclusion, please email: