Extra care sheltered housing is for people with a high degree of need. You need to be assessed by a social worker to work out if you are eligible for the following:
Extra care sheltered housing is a 24 hours a day service including sleep-in staff who will respond to emergency calls between the hours of 11pm and 7am.
Professional staff will work with you to:
- increase your independence
- increase choice and control in your daily life
- enable you to access other support services
- improve your quality of life.
Staff work with other professional such as social workers, district nurses and GPs. Home care staff that look after personal care, depending on your assessment and Care Plan.
There are two extra care sheltered housing schemes in Bedford Borough:
- Dame Alice Court is extra care sheltered care housing provided by Anchor Housing, located at Newnham Street, Bedford MK40 3NR.
- Tavistock Court is extra care sheltered care housing provided by bpha, located at Tavistock Court, Queen Street, Bedford MK40 2UD.
How to apply
You can only be referred by a social worker who will assess your need of care, based on a needs assessment. There is no charge for this.
The social worker will discuss any costs relating to the services you need with you, and will arrange for an assessment of your financial circumstances. We can also assess whether there are any benefits that you are entitled to receive.
We prioritise support according to those with the greatest need.
If your care needs change at any time, we will request a review meeting to enable your level of care to be adjusted accordingly.