Adoption assessment and approval process

Let’s chat!

When you contact us, you will chat with a social worker from our Adoption Team.

We will then ask you to come to an information evening. This gives you the chance to find out more and decide if adoption is right for you.

Adoption is life-changing and we are here to support you every step of the way. We know it’s a big decision, even just to make that first call.

Whether you want to adopt straight away or would just like to learn more, our friendly team are here to answer your questions.

Call us on 01234 718 718 or email

three children

We will then ask you to come to an information evening. This gives you the chance to find out more and decide if adoption is right for you.

Expression of Interest

After the information evening, you will have the opportunity to complete an Expression of Interest with a view to beginning the adoption assessment process.

There are two stages to the assessment process:

  • Stage 1 takes two months, is led by you and involves all the statutory checks.
  • Stage 2 takes four months and is more in-depth.

Stage 1

We will take up checks and references with:

  • The police
  • The local authority
  • Your employers (where appropriate)
  • Your landlord or mortgage company

In addition:

  • We will ask you to supply us with the details of people who can comment on your suitability to adopt
  • You will be required to have a medical with your GP.
  • We will ask you to attend training designed to support you in thinking about exactly what is involved in adopting children who need new families.
  • We recommend that you increase your experience with children and can support you to identify opportunities to do this.

After we have gathered all the information, we will arrange to meet you to talk about the next steps and let you know if your application will move forward to Stage 2 of the approval process. Your social worker will keep you informed, both verbally and in writing.

The government has designed this two-stage process to make sure that by the time you reach Stage 2, you are well-prepared and in a strong position to continue your journey toward becoming adoptive parents, especially for the children who are looking for loving families.

Stage 2

This part of the journey is where we will get to know you even better! 

During this stage, one of our social workers will visit you at home to complete a Prospective Adopters Report (PAR).

We will also invite you to some additional training sessions designed to help you feel even more prepared for adoption. Once the assessment is complete, you will receive a copy of the PAR and have the chance to share any thoughts or feedback.

After that, your assessment will be presented to the Adoption Panel. They will carefully review all the information gathered and make a recommendation about your suitability to become an adoptive parent. If you would like to, you’re more than welcome to attend the panel.

We understand this process might feel a bit overwhelming, but it is an important part of making sure everything is right, for both you and us and the child, as we move forward together.

Approved to adopt: next steps

Once you are approved to adopt, the exciting part begins - we will start the search for a child whose needs are a perfect match with your family! The matching process is incredibly important, as adoption is a lifelong journey.

When a potential match is found, you will have the opportunity to meet the child's social worker and learn all about them. It is essential that you feel excited and confident about the match, and that the child’s social worker believes you are the right fit to provide a loving home.

You will receive lots of detailed information, including any arrangements for staying in touch with the child’s birth family. If both you and the social workers feel comfortable with moving forward, we will present the match to the Adoption Panel for their recommendation.

Once a child joins your family, our support does not stop! We will continue to visit and offer guidance. And after at least 10 weeks, you can take the next step and apply for the adoption order, officially making them part of your forever family!

Please call us on 01234 718718, email or use the online form to find out more about adoption:

Enquire about adoption