As a gay couple looking to adopt a child there are many who, even today, don’t approve of a child being raised in a family like ours. Legally, we have every equal right to adopt, although from forums we have heard that LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender) adopters still face problems with councils and sometimes individual social workers. 

When we first picked up the adoption form from Bedford Borough Council we were hesitant about what might be asked or if we would be treated equally and fairly. The only questions we had during the process were about our relationship, our stability, home and family life, and whether we had a support network in place.

Adoption is certainly a long and sometimes stressful journey, yet the team at Bedford Borough Council have made us feel supported and looked after the whole way through the process.

The home interviews, family trees, support maps, training sessions and the excitement and fear of going to a panel are daunting, and they are all explained to you, sensitively handled with no judgement and you always know how and why each step is in the process. The fact that we were two men never even raised an eyebrow.

When we saw the profile for the amazing unique little boy who ultimately completed our family, our social worker was careful to join in our excitement, but tempered it by helping us to understand his disability and the effect it might have had on our lives. We were especially grateful for Bedford Borough Council’s willingness to deal with his social workers and guide the process to such a happy ending. 

We could not have asked for fairer, more compassionate treatment through the last few years and now we have been a family and are awaiting our celebration hearing in court it’s all been worth it and more. 

Every day we are still finding out a little something else we don’t know yet about parenting. Thanks to Bedford Borough Council we have been given the chance to keep finding out these things and to be the best family for our son. 

If you are interested in finding out more on Adoption, please get in touch with the Adoption Team on 01234 718718 or email