The team consists of specialist teachers, specialist teaching assistants, educational communicators and a resource officer/technician. All staff who work with pupils have specialist qualifications eg teacher of the deaf, teacher for visually impaired, teacher for autism, braille and sign language qualification, as appropriate.
Who we work with
We support parents, carers and school staff in meeting the needs of children with sensory and communication difficulties who meet referral criteria. This can be children as early as a few weeks old, to school leaving age.
The sensory and communication support team staff support pupils with:
- hearing impairment
- visual impairment
- multi-disabled V.I./deafblind
- autism spectrum conditions
Support for schools
Staff from the team provide a comprehensive range of support for schools in order that pupils’ specialised needs are met. This includes:
- assessment of pupil’s functional vision/hearing
- information concerning the educational and social implications of a pupil’s impairment
- assessment of appropriate mode of communication eg Braille, British Sign Language
- advice on adaptations to the learning environment
- advice on teaching materials and resources
- advice on preparation of IEP’s, Intervention Plans and setting of pupil targets
- written guidelines to schools re. curriculum access, teaching strategies, behaviour management, appropriate technology
- loan of some specialised equipment eg magnification aids, radio aids
- direct teaching support to assist the development of specialist curriculum areas eg speech and language, listening skills, Braille
- submission of reports and attendance at pupil annual reviews
- in service training for teaching and non-teaching staff; and
- liaison with other professionals eg educational psychologists, social workers
Contact sensory and communication support team
Sensory and Communication Support Team
The Child Development Centre
Hill Rise
MK42 7EB
Tel: 01234 718122
Please note the Sensory and Communication Support Team work term time only.