Before completing the application form please read the In-Year Admissions Guidance Notes (PDF) which explain the arrangements for applying for a school place. It will also tell you when we will process your application.

If you move into the area during the school year or you wish to change your child's school, you will need to complete an in-year application form (PDF).

The form has been designed so that you can fill it in electronically and then attach it to an email and send it back to us at

If you are applying on religious grounds, please remember to complete the Confirmation of Religious Affiliation Form, which is part of the In-Year application form. 

If you are a practising Catholic family, your priest should confirm this by signing a Certificate of Catholic Practice (PDF) and returning it to us.

Our timescales for processing applications

We will attempt to process applications for places in accordance with the appropriate timescales (normally 10-15 school days). This does not apply for applications submitted for the next academic year ie for a September start. Please see our Guidance Notes above for further information.

At peak times, particularly at the end of the academic year and the start of the new school term, applications can take longer to process. Applications received from 1 July will be processed for the autumn term (September), unless your child does not have a school place in Bedford Borough.

If you submit an application during the school holidays, we may not be able to process it until the start of the next school term.

Any place offered needs to be taken up within 4-6 weeks, unless you are applying for the next academic year.

The In-Year Application Form is also available from schools or the School Admissions Service.

We process in-year applications for all our schools, except Willow Grove Primary School. This is a new school opening September 2024 with classes in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 only. Please contact the school directly to apply.  

If you need any further advice or help in completing any of the application forms you can contact us at: or by calling us on 01234 718120.

Ofsted reports

Find an Ofsted inspection report on the school you want to apply for.

You can read how Ofsted has changed the way it inspects and reports on schools.