Dates for secondary school appeals

Parents of children due to transfer to upper school (Year 9) or secondary school (year 7) in September 2025 will be sent a letter on Monday 3 March 2025 advising them of the school at which a place has been offered.

You can appeal against this decision if you have not been allocated a place at each of the schools you applied for.

Your appeal must be received by the deadline of Monday 31 March 2025. If your appeal is received after this date and cannot be added to an already scheduled hearing, it will be heard at a later date. 

Upper/secondary school appeals have to be heard by Wednesday 25 June 2025 (within 40 school days after the deadline for appeals being lodged). 

If you would like to appeal online please use the online appeal form below.

You will receive email confirmation (or by letter if you have no email address) within five working days that your appeal has been received and we will write to you (by email) by the end of April 2025 to tell you the date, time and venue of your appeal hearing. 

You will be given at least 10 school days' notice of your appeal hearing.

School admission appeal 

Dates for starting school appeals 2024

Parents of children due to transfer to middle school (Year 5) and children who are due to start primary/lower school in September 2025 will be sent a letter on Wednesday 16 April 2025 advising them of the school at which a place has been offered.

You can appeal against this decision if you have not been allocated a place at each of the schools you applied for.

Your appeal must be received by Friday 24 May  2025. If your appeal is received after this date and cannot be added to an already scheduled hearing, it will be heard at a later date. Middle school and primary/lower appeals have to be heard by the end of the school year (within 40 school days after the deadline for appeals being lodged). If you would like to appeal online please use the online appeal form below.

You will receive email confirmation (or by letter if you have no email address) within five working days that your appeal has been received and we will write to you (by letter or email) after Friday 20 May 2025 to tell you the date, time and venue of your appeal hearing. You will be given at least 10 school days' notice of your appeal hearing.

School admission appeal 

You can see more information about the appeals process in our Guide to Admissions Appeals booklet (PDF). 

All other applications

If you have applied for a place in a year other than in the intake year (when children would normally start Lower, Middle or Upper School) and have not been offered a place, you can appeal against this decision. You will have been sent a letter advising you that a place cannot be offered at your preferred school(s).

The clerk will contact you to acknowledge that your appeal form has been received and will write to you in due course letting you know the date, time and venue of your appeal. You will be given at least 10 school days' notice of your appeal. We aim to hear all appeals within 30 school days.

Request a school in-year appeal

You can see more information about the appeals process in our Guide to Admissions Appeals booklet (PDF). 

If you have any questions on the appeal process please email

Infant class size appeals (ICS)

Most appeals for admission into Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 are infant class size appeals.

Statutory limits on class sizes means that apart from some very limited exceptions, infant classes of 5, 6 and 7 year olds may not contain more than 30 pupils with a single teacher.

Where the published admission number of a school allows for classes of 30 pupils, the admission authority will have refused admission on the grounds that to admit one more child would breach the infant class size limit.

Although you have a legal right to appeal under these criteria, there are very limited circumstances in which a panel can direct a child to be admitted to a school.

The panel can uphold an appeal on "class size prejudice" grounds only if they are satisfied that one of the following very limited grounds applies:

  • The admission of additional children would not breach the infant class size limit.
  • Your child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had complied with the mandatory requirements in the School Admissions code and the School Standards & Framework Act 1998 ("SSFA").
  • The decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case*

*The courts have defined an unreasonable decision in this context as being one which is "perverse in the light of the admission arrangements". The word 'perverse' has a stronger meaning in its legal sense. It means "beyond the range of responses open to a reasonable decision maker".

As the grounds for upholding an appeal of this type are very limited, the percentage success rate is minimal. Please be aware that your personal reasons for wanting the school, however strongly you feel, cannot be taken into account, unless any of the above circumstances apply.

Please note that a decision by the admission authority to refuse admission to your child, which subsequently makes it impossible for you to transport all your children to school on time or even impossible for you to continue working, is very unlikely to be confirmed as an unreasonable decision. The courts have confirmed this position.

Of the infant class size appeals heard for admission, very few successful. Parents are often distressed that their personal reasons were not considered due to the very limited criteria that the appeal panel can consider, therefore please think carefully before submitting an appeal.

For more information please read a factsheet published by the Local Government Ombudsman.

Timescale for all appeals


Time period

Dates when appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing

10 school days in advance of the hearing

Date by which the Clerk sends appeal papers to the parents, the panel and the admission authority

5 working days before the appeal hearing

Deadline for appellants to submit additional evidence

8am, 3 working days before the appeal hearing

Decision letters sent to the appellants.

Within 5 school days of the appeal hearing (whenever possible)

Equality questions monitoring form

Please find below a monitoring form for completion, this does not form part of the appeal process but it will help us to ensure that we are listening to the views of all sectors of our community.

Equality questions monitoring form (Word).