Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy (July 2021)
The strategy has been prepared by KKP on behalf of the Council and has been developed from research and analysis of outdoor sports provision and usage. The strategy recommends a number of priority projects for Bedford and provides a framework for improvements.
The Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy also forms the evidence base to the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040.
Biodiversity and natural capital
Bedford Borough Council has been working with Defra as part of the Ox-Cam Arc Local Natural Capital Plan Project which looked at how a natural capital approach can be implemented and incorporated into planning policy.
- The Ecosystem Services Baseline and Comparison report was completed in March 2021. The information is also mapped interactively here.
- Guidelines on achieving biodiversity net gain (PDF)
Economy and employment land studies
The Bedford Employment land study forms part of the evidence base to the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040.
- Bedford employment land study 2022 part one (PDF)
- Bedford employment land study 2022 part two (PDF)
- Bedford employment land study 2021 maps
The study is an update the Economy and Employment land study 2015 which forms part of the evidence base to the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030. The Addendum provides an update to the assessment of employment land needs undertaken in 2015.
Strategic flood risk assessment
A level 2 Strategic Flood Risk assessment has been completed for the borough, to support the preparation of the ongoing Local Plan 2040
(When using the GeoPDFs to view flood risk, please download the file for full functionality. Flood risk information is not visible when viewing through an internet explorer)
- BBC Strategic Flood Risk Assessment level 2 May 2022
- SFRA 2 App A.1 – Site Summary Tables
- SFRA 2 App A.2 – GeoPDF mapping
- SFRA 2 App B – Cumulative Impact Assessment
A Level 1 assessment of strategic flood risk has been completed for the borough area.
- BBC Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 Nov 2020.pdf (PDF)
- SFRA App A Interactive Flood Risk Mapping (PDF)
- SFRA App B DataSources.pdf (PDF)
- SFRA App C SFRA User Guide.pdf (PDF)
- SFRA App D Flood Alerts and Flood Warnings.pdf (PDF)
- SFRA App E Bedford Flood Summary.pdf (PDF)
- SFRA App F Cumulative Impact Methodology.pdf (PDF)
Landscape character assessment
Consultants LUC have updated the 2014 Landscape Character Assessment for Bedford Borough. This document provides technical guidance and evidence to underpin planning and landscape management decisions in the borough.
Retail study
The Bedford Town Centres Study, 2020 forms part of the evidence base to the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2040. This provides an assessment of retail needs.
- Bedford Town Centres Study (PDF).
Strategic housing market assessment
Sets out the Objectively Assessed Housing Need for Bedford Borough and forms part of the evidence base for the Local Plan 2030.
Strategic housing and employment land availability assessment
Bedford's Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) was published in December 2018. This technical study assesses potential housing sites in order to provide evidence on housing supply and forms part of the evidence base to the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030.
Bedford waterspace strategy
This study is intended to provide a framework for promoting river related projects, which will help stimulate long-term regeneration of the river corridor within the Bedford Area.
Water cycle study
The Council has worked with partners Anglian Water, Central Bedfordshire Council, the Environment Agency and the Internal Drainage Board Bedford Group to produce a Water Cycle Study. The study is in two parts, an Outline Report and a Detailed Report. The Water Cycle Study addresses water infrastructure issues associated with the delivery of growth to 2021.
Detailed water cycle study April 2012
- Part 1 - Introduction, Ch 1 and 2 (PDF)
- Part 2 - Ch 3 and 4 (PDF)
- Part 3 - Ch 5 and 6, Glossary (PDF)
- Appendices (PDF)
Outline water cycle strategy May 2009
- Main Report (PDF)
- Appendices A - I (PDF)
- Appendix J (PDF)