
The Council is required to monitor the performance of adopted planning policies and progress in producing new documents included in the Local Development Scheme. To do this, three kinds of document are made available each year.

The first is the Council’s Five Year Supply of Deliverable Housing Sites statement. In line with national policy, this statement sets out the latest position on the Council’s housing land supply.

Secondly, the Authority’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) is a comprehensive document which includes information across a range of indicators to monitor the application and performance of local plan policies. It also includes information relating to neighbourhood plans and duty to cooperate activity.

In recent years, the AMR has been divided into thematic parts with each part published separately. However, from the 2020/21 monitoring year the AMR will again be prepared as a single document.

The AMR is made available in December each year to cover the preceding financial year (so the AMR published in December 2023 will be for the 2022/23 financial year).

In order to make important information relating to housing and employment activity available sooner, separate and focused Housing and Employment Monitoring Reports are published in May/June each year.

Five year land supply

Annual Monitoring Report

In previous years the monitoring report was completed as one large document. These can be viewed below.


The Housing Monitoring Report is published each year.


The Employment Monitoring Report is published each year.


Major projects

The major projects indicator monitors the progress made on each of the major sites in Bedford each year.

Environment quality and open space

Social and community

Transport and traffic

Plan implementation


Information on the Borough's progress with infrastructure monitoring can be found in the CIL reports, which can be found on the Community Infrastructure Levy webpage and S106 reports which are located on the Planning Obligations webpage.