Highways design guides

Bedford Borough Council has its own highway design guides, however these are currently being updated and should be read alongside national guidance contained in 'Manual for Streets' and the 'Design Manual for Roads and Bridges' and other guidance below.

In addition to the design guidance, new developments must adhere to the Council's parking standards. The links to all the relevant design guides are shown below:

For more detailed advice when preparing applications for specific developments please use the pre-application advice service.

Highway design guides

Manual for Streets 1 National guidance for architects and highways consultants

Manual for Streets 2 National guidance for architects and highways consultants

Parking Standards for Sustainable Communities: Design and Good Practice SPD

Traffic Calming - Streets for People SPG design guide for low speed residential streets (This is being updated) (PDF)

Highways Development Control Design Guide SPG (This is being updated) (PDF)

Guidance on the use of Tactile Paving Surfaces National guidance (PDF)

Waste & Recycling in New Developments Technical Guidance (inc. highway design) 

LTN 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design National guidance 

Buses in Urban Developments National guidance

Building Sustainable Transport into New Developments National guidance (PDF)

Designing for Walking National Guidance

Inclusive Mobility - A Guide to Best Practice on Access to Pedestrian and Transport Infrastructure National Guidance (PDF)

IHE Home Zone Design Guidelines National guidance (PDF)

LTN 1/11 Shared Space National guidance (PDF)

LTN 1/08 Traffic Management and Streetscape National guidance (PDF)

Streets for All - Historic England/Dept. for Transport - Public Realm Guide National guidance