This inquiry has been postponed due to illness and will be rescheduled. This webpage will be updated as soon as the new details have been confirmed.

Appeals A and B

Appeal by Mr Brendan Macfarlane and Mr Tom Mongan against an Enforcement Notice issued by Bedford Borough Council.


Site at land known as Land South West of The Manor, Pertenhall Road, Keysoe, Bedfordshire, MK44 2HR.

Planning Inspectorate (PINS) ref: APP/K0235/C/22/3303840 and APP/K0235/C/22/3303839

Bedford Borough Council enforcement ref: 22/00137/UNAUTHU

Bedford Borough Council appeal ref: 22/00057/ENFNOT

Bedford Borough Council issued an Enforcement Notice on 5 July 2022.

Mr Brendan Macfarlane and Mr Tom Mongan (the appellants) have appealed to the Secretary of State MHCLG against the Enforcement Notice.

Appeal documents

Access the documents associated with the appeal here.

New documents will be updated as soon as possible, but not immediately.

If the document you need has not yet been updated please email

Appeal C 

Appeal by Mr Tom Mongan against the decision of Bedford Borough Council to refuse planning permission for change of use of land for two Gypsy/Traveller pitches comprising the siting of one mobile home, one touring caravan, alongside formation of hardstanding, access, gates, and boundary treatments (Retrospective), and the proposed erection of one dayroom per pitch. 


Site at land known as Land South West of The Manor, Pertenhall Road, Keysoe, Bedfordshire, MK44 2HR.

Planning Inspectorate (PINS) ref: APP/K0235/W/22/3309709

Bedford Borough Council application ref: 22/01311/S73A

Bedford Borough Council appeal ref: 22/00093/REF

Bedford Borough Council refused the application on 30 September 2022.

Mr Tom Mongan (the appellant) has appealed to the Secretary of State MHCLG against the Council’s decision. 

Appeals A, B and C have been linked and will be heard at an inquiry beginning on Monday 6 January 2025 in the Council Chamber, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP. It is scheduled to last five days.

Access the documents associated with the appeal here.

New documents will be updated as soon as possible, but not immediately.

If the document you need has not yet been updated please email

View the application plans being considered at this appeal here.