The Planning Scheme of Delegation (PDF) identifies the application types and triggers for an item to be heard by the Planning Committee. 

Other applications are determined by Officers in accordance with Legislation and policy.

Planning Committee meetings

The Planning Committee is held every month, usually on a Monday (except on Bank Holidays) at Borough Hall at 6.30pm.

Officers will write a detailed report for each item to be heard by Committee, explaining the recommendation being made. 

These are compiled into an Agenda which is published online a week before the committee meeting.

View the Planning Committee agendas and minutes or review past agendas and minutes.

View the planning application details, correspondence and plans.

Wixams Joint Development Control Committee

If the application is to be determined by the Wixams Joint Development Control committee between Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council, for cross boundary applications and issues, please see the arrangements, agendas and details.

Councillor call-in

Councillors wishing to exercise their right to call-in a planning application for determination by the planning committee must familiarise themselves with the Scheme of Delegation and the Councillor call-in protocol (PDF) beforehand.

A call-in must be made using the online form available on the extranet. All mandatory fields must be completed. After submitting the form you will receive an email with a reference number for the request and the request will be sent to the planning department for actioning.

Right to speak

Full details of 'right to speak' (PDF).

Summary of the 'Right To Speak' rules:

1) If an application is to be decided by Committee (and you have already commented on it in writing) you will be told when it is due to be heard and given the opportunity to register to speak to the Committee if you wish.  If you have not previously commented in writing, it will be your responsibility to enquire as to whether an application will be heard by the Committee. Committee Agendas are published a week before the committee date and you can check this online to see if an application is listed. 

View the Planning Committee Agendas and Minutes or review past agendas and minutes.

2) To register a right to speak you must contact Committee Services ( by the end of the working day before the date of the committee meeting to book your place. This is normally by 4.45pm on a Friday, if the meeting is on a Monday evening. 

3) All parties wishing to speak about an application must do so within a single 5 minute period. The time period may be extended for certain planning applications if the Chair of the Committee thinks this is appropriate. Supporters and/or applicants will have the same length of time to speak to the Committee.

4) Those people speaking will not be permitted to hand out additional written documents. Photographs, plans or illustrations may not be displayed or circulated at the meeting.

5) Members of the Committee may question the speaker.

6)  Whilst a Member of the Council may speak on behalf of one of the parties, you may also wish to do so in order to make your own case, particularly if you wish to put forward additional or alternative points.