Wixams Station - Overview

On this page you will find information about Wixams Station, including public engagement events, frequently asked questions and how you can have your say on the plans for Wixams Station.

Wixams Station proposals engagement events

Bedford Borough Council has undertaken a non-statutory public engagement on its plans for Wixams Station whilst they were at a formative stage and ahead of the submission of applications for planning permission.

Bedford Borough Council hosted two drop-in events for local residents and businesses to learn more about the station project and ask questions of the project team, these were on:

  • 27 June 2022 from 10am to 3pm
  • 28 June 2022 from 2pm to 6:45pm

Both events were held at Wixams Retirement Village, Bedford Road, Wixams, MK42 6EA.

How to have your say

The public engagement has now closed and we thank those who have provided feedback. There are further opportunities to provide feedback on the planning applications. There are two applications, a Reserved Matters and a Full Planning Application.

If you require any more information in the meantime please email WixamsStation@bedford.gov.uk or write to:

Wixams Station
Major Projects
Borough Hall
Cauldwell St
MK42 9AP

The planning of Wixams Station

Wixams Station has always been an important part of the plans for Wixams. The provision of a new railway station with regular services to London and Bedford and connections to stations to the north was an integral part of the original masterplan for this integrated and significant garden village development.

Outline planning permission for Wixams Station was granted in 2013. This application from the Wixams developers established permission, in principle, for a railway station development at the proposed location without any design detail.

The station was originally planned to be delivered in partnership with the Wixams developers, Gallagher Estates and the railway industry. However, changes to the railway's organisation meant that they were unable to deliver the project.

The Wixams Station project is now being delivered by Bedford Borough Council with support from the rail industry.

In June 2022, Bedford Borough Council updated its Rail Investment Strategy, setting out its priorities for rail services and infrastructure improvements. The provision of a new railway station at Wixams was identified as a key priority.

Wixams Station represents a significant investment in the Borough’s sustainable transport provision by providing new access to the rail network with regular services for local residents and businesses.

A rail station with regular services will reduce the number of road-based trips and congestion leading to improvements in air quality. 

Developing Wixams Station 

Wixams Station will be located in Station Quarter at the western boundary of Wixams. Situated on the Midland Main Line between Bedford and Flitwick Stations, it will offer access to the local and national rail network.

Wixams Station will be served by up to four Thameslink trains per hour in each direction.

You can view an extract of the rail network map here (JPEG).

The station will provide:

  • two platforms with seating and shelters
  • station building including toilets, waiting room and coffee shop
  • landscaped public realm
  • footbridge with stairs and lifts
  • parking including electric vehicle charging, blue badge and cycle
  • passengers drop off/pick up
  • provision for taxis/bus stops
  • ticket purchasing facilities
  • real-time information boards
  • cctv
  • audio frequency induction loops

You can view a proposed plan for the station here (JPEG).

Supporting active travel

All residents of Wixams will live within 2km of the new station. For the average person, this equates to a maximum 25-minute walk or a 10-minute cycle ride.

Bedford Borough Council is committed to supporting active travel options to and from the station, so the facilities will also include secure cycle parking and bus stops within the station drop-off area.

Wixams Station project timeline

Early enabling works will start on site later this year and will mainly be site clearance and surveying.

Construction of the station is anticipated to begin in Autumn 2024, subject to necessary consents being secured. Bedford Borough Council is working with Network Rail to develop a construction programme with first trains anticipated to enter into service in the second half of 2026. 

You can view the Wixams Station project programme here (JPEG).

Artist's impression of Wixams Station

Managing the impact of the development


Details of how construction will be managed to mitigate the environmental impacts (including noise, vibration, dust, and traffic) will be subject to a planning condition.

There will be out-of-hours construction because some work will need to be done when trains are not operating. A contractor is yet to be appointed but they will be required to keep neighbours informed about planned working arrangements so that they are aware of and can plan for any disruption.

Every effort will be made to ensure that the impacts on residents and businesses are kept as low as possible, both during daytime working and when essential work needs to take place at night or over a weekend.


The site has been the subject of ecology surveys and assessments. The surveys and assessments were undertaken to understand its ecological sensitivity and to assist in enabling the development proposals to be designed in such a manner to avoid or mitigate any potential impacts on wildlife.

An Ecological Impact Assessment has been submitted in support of the planning applications.

What happens next

The public engagement has now closed and the project team have reviewed all the feedback received and where necessary refine the plans and supporting information ahead of submission for planning permission.

Two planning applications are required, a ‘reserved matters’ application providing more detail about the proposal and a full planning application relating to the land required to construct the platforms and works to the line. These further consents are required to progress the scheme. The two planning applications have been submitted and can be found here: Reserved Matters and Full Planning Application.

Statement of Community Engagement

As part of the planning applications, we have submitted a Statement of Community Engagement (SCE), which describes how the local community, businesses and stakeholders have been engaged in the planning for Wixams Station and how this feedback has informed the proposals.

View a summary of the Statement of Community Engagement

We welcome feedback on the applications for planning permission. This consultation will be undertaken by the Local Planning Authority, Bedford Borough Council.

Future updates about the project will be published on this webpage.

Request information in an alternative format

If you require any of the above information in an alternate format, please contact Bedford Borough Council by emailing WixamsStation@bedford.gov.uk or by post to:

Wixams Station
Major Projects
Borough Hall
Cauldwell St
MK42 9AP