A number of other traffic signal junctions will be upgraded with the latest technology of traffic signal controllers and equipment so that the junctions operate more efficiently.
Techniques and equipment for traffic management and control have evolved significantly over the last few years. Updating our traffic signal hardware and software will provide us with significant improvements in reducing congestion improving journey time for all road users.
The key features of the theme, which are also called SMART technology, are:
- Updating our Urban Traffic Management Control (UTMC) system. This is the hardware and software systems that control the traffic lights in the town.
- Introducing more Remote Monitoring Systems so that traffic signals detect their own faults meaning that faulty equipment can be repaired quickly.
- Improving CCTV systems to identify problems and allow for Journey Time Management.
- Traffic Signal upgrades at various locations.
- Better variable message signs Signing, Information and Publicity Systems.
- Extended coverage of ANPR cameras for enforcement of bus lanes.
- Introducing better vehicle detection at key locations so that our traffic management systems can respond better to demand. Using ‘cooperative data’ – which is transferring data to and from vehicles from roadside equipment - to help manage traffic. Using technology to capture all sorts of data on journeys, speeds, air pollution etc that can help our traffic signals run more efficiently. This data can also be fed back to in vehicle sat nav and information systems and as more and more vehicles use this sort of technology will help improve journeys for us all.