Blue Badge holders can also apply to have a disabled parking bay outside their home.  

Please be aware:

  • the provision of an on-street bay is not automatic
  • the applicant must be the holder of a valid blue badge
  • the applicant must have a permanent and substantial disability, which means being unable to walk, or have considerable difficulty in walking any distance
  • it may be necessary to approach your doctor
  • the applicant must not have a suitable off-street area available to park
  • the vehicle must be kept at the address
  • to be filled in by the Badge Holder (if the badge holder cannot do this someone else may do so on their behalf but the details must be given as though the badge holder is completing the form)
  • providing false or misleading information is an offence.

Apply here by completing the application form and emailing this back to us.     

Please email your completed form (or photos of your completed form) to: