Following the resignation of Cllr. Graeme Coombes from the Cabinet, for personal reasons, Mayor Tom has made the following changes to his Cabinet:
- Deputy Mayor and Finance Portfolio Holder: The existing Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Jim Weir, will take over the Finance Portfolio role.
- Environment Portfolio Holder: Councillor Nicky Gribble to the Cabinet as Environment Portfolio Holder.
- Corporate Services Portfolio Holder: The Cabinet has been expanded to include a new role of Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, Cllr. Marc Frost, with responsibility for Transformation, Procurement and Performance.
As a result the new Cabinet is formed of:
- Mayor Tom Wootton - Elected Mayor, covering Democratic Services and Rural Communities
- Councillor Jim Weir - Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Services
- Councillor Nicola Gribble - Portfolio Holder for Environment
- Councillor Jane Walker - Portfolio Holder for Valuing Families: Children’s Services
- Councillor Robert Rigby - Portfolio Holder for Valuing Families: Adults Services
- Councillor Sarah Gallagher - Portfolio Holder for Customer Experience (inc. Leisure, Recreation & Culture)
- Councillor Phillippa Martin-Moran-Bryant - Portfolio Holder for Housing and Regulatory Services
- Councillor Andrea Spice - Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Planning and Prosperity (inc. Town Centres)
- Councillor Martin Towler - Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Communities: Health and Wellbeing
- Councillor Marc Frost – Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services (Transformation, Procurement and Performance)