NHS patients have been given a boost, with the relocation of GP services to Bedford Health Village site on Kimbolton Road set to be completed ahead of schedule.
From Monday 14 October, patients will no longer be seen at Goldington Road site, run by The De Parys Group. Services will instead be delivered from either the Enhanced Services Centre (ESC) at Bedford Health Village, or at the Pemberley Avenue Surgery.
And from Monday 11 November, services at the Pemberley Avenue Surgery site will also relocate to the ESC.
Councillor Martin Towler, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Communities: Health and Wellbeing said; “This is great news for patients.
“The relocation means that patients will be seen in modern, purpose-designed accommodation, with the capacity to continue to grow and improve.
“Patients with long term conditions such as diabetes, heart failure, respiratory illnesses and coronary heart disease will have access to multi-disciplinary clinics, meaning they will be able to receive more care outside of hospital and closer to home.
“They won’t even need to take any action – there’s no change in the way they book appointments, and patients will be offered an appointment at the surgery most convenient for them (when possible).
Bedford Health Village is on the site formerly known as Bedford Hospital’s North Wing which was once home to maternity services.
De Parys Group is one of the largest practices in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, and also one of the largest training practices. The new and improved premises will ensure that trainee and student GPs, nurses, clinical pharmacists, nurse associates and health care assistants are retained for the population of Bedford.
As part of this relocation, no changes are planned to the De Parys Group services delivered from its sites in Bromham and Church Lane.