In the spirit of openness and transparency, Bedford Borough Council has announced it will consider its intention to vote ‘No’ to the current proposal for BID5 (Business Improvement District) in the upcoming October ballot.
Cllr Spice also reiterated her call for all eligible businesses to vote in the upcoming election on the current BID5, stating: “However you feel about the proposed BID5 - whether in support or not, you must use your vote as your voice. We feel that the current BID5 does not offer our town centre what we expect it to and so we are voting accordingly. But we are not the only voice in this election.”
“I have spent over a year as Portfolio Holder listening to many business owners, and to those who live in or visit the town. In the last BID election for Bedford only 175 businesses voted out of approximately 400 and we want to see more businesses having their say. Businesses within the BID zone and with a minimum business rateable value need to make a financial commitment to the BID for 4 years and so must be confident that it will provide what they wish in their town.”
At a meeting to be held next Wednesday (11 September) the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Planning and Prosperity, Cllr Andrea Spice, will ask the Executive to back her proposal not to support the current BID5. “If the BID5 is unsuccessful, we will work with local businesses and organisations to ensure we achieve our vision and deliver a more vibrant, safer and cleaner town centre,” added Cllr Spice.