Autistic young people encouraged to join online gaming community

A child

Autistic young people have the chance to make new friends and have fun in a safe environment, thanks to an online gaming community being supported by Bedford Borough Council.

Spectrum Gaming is an autistic-led UK-based charity that supports autistic young people by providing spaces where they feel safe and accepted, amongst others with similar shared lived experiences to explore who they are.

Earlier this year it was introduced to Bedford Borough, as part of a partnership between the Council and Spectrum Gaming.

It offers dedicated discord and Minecraft servers every day from 10am-10pm, and the chance to take part in special online events – all fully funded. And up to 100 places are available to autistic young people in the Borough. 

Councillor Jane Walker, Portfolio Holder for Valuing Families: Children’s Services, said; “We’ve been delighted with the number of autistic young people who have already signed up since we launched in the spring, but there are still places for others, aged from 10-17, who live in Bedford Borough.

“It is about more than just gaming – it’s about offering a great opportunity for our autistic young people to take part in a wide range of online activities, socialising and making new friends in a safe environment, letting them grow in confidence.

“Spectrum Gaming is an autistic-led organisation, for neurodivergent young people, and almost all of its workforce are neurodivergent in some way. That’s a big part of why they’re so good at offering a safe space for them.” 

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