Notice is hereby given that the Bedford Borough Council propose to vary the fees for the licensing of private hire and hackney carriage drivers, vehicles and private hire operators as below:

Proposed new private hire and taxi driver fees

Licence type Fee
3 Year Drivers Licence – New  £427
3 Year Drivers Licence - Renewal  £381
3 Year Dual Drivers Badge – New  £427
3 Year Dual Drivers Badge – Renewal  £381 

Proposed new private hire and taxi vehicle fees

Licence type Fee
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Licence  £265

Any objections to the above varied charges should be sent to the address below, stating the reasons by 16 January 2025. 

Objections may also be sent by email to

The above varied charges will come into effect on 1 March 2025. If any objections are received in response to this Notice, then on a date not later than two months from the expiration of the 28 days period, the variations shall come into force, with or without modifications, after consideration of the objection(s). 

You can download a copy of the Notice (PDF) or view it at Bedford Borough Council, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.