Housing strategies

Housing impacts on many areas of everyday life.

To ensure we provide the right housing services to meet local needs and priorities, we produce strategies and action plans. We also consult with members of the local community and our partners to make sure we take their views into account.

The Council is legally required to provide a Homelessness Strategy and a Tenancy Strategy. The other strategies are ‘non statutory’ and have been developed and adopted by the Council at its discretion.

Housing Strategy 2021-2026

This Housing Strategy identifies four key themes and their associated objectives:

  • Understanding housing needs.
  • Delivering the homes.
  • Making best use of existing housing.
  • Meeting the housing needs of vulnerable people.

The Housing Strategy 2021-2026 was adopted on 3 February 2021.

Care and support accommodation strategy

Theme 4 of the Housing Strategy 2021-2026 is “Meeting the Housing Needs of Vulnerable People”. The Council has previously adopted individual accommodation strategies for those with specialist housing needs. These strategies are provided below.

As the accommodation needs of these client groups are not mutually exclusive, the Council intends to combine these strategies into one over-arching Care and Support Accommodation Strategy. This work is scheduled to be undertaken in 2024-2025.

Learning disabilities accommodation strategy 2017-2022

Physical disabilities accommodation strategy

Strategy currently in development.

Mental health accommodation strategy 2018-2023

Older persons’ accommodation strategy 2018-2023

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 – 2029

The Council's Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024 – 2029 was adopted by  Full Council on 13 June 2024 (Agenda Item 12.1, p 46 of 280) and is currently being prepared for publication.  In the meantime, the text of the Strategy and its Appendices are provided below:

Empty homes strategy 2019-2024

Tenancy strategy 2019-2024

Bedford strategic housing market assessment

The Bedford Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2016 and its Addenda November 2018 evidence housing need for adopted Local Plan 2030. A Local Housing Needs Assessment 2021 and its 2022 Addendum have been prepared to support emerging Local Plan 2040. 

Private sector housing

We commissioned the Building Research Establishment to complete a private sector stock modelling exercise. A Private Sector Stock Report was completed in 2018 and an addendum report in 2020.