How to pay Business Rates
Direct Debit
The simplest way to pay.
- Quick and easy to set up
- Your payments are covered by the Direct Debit guarantee
- No queuing, no cheques to write or letters to post
- A choice of 4 different payments dates either 1st, 7th, 15th or 25th of the month
- Pay over up to 12 months (except when paying on 1st of the month)
You will need your Business Rates account number and your bank account details to hand.
Set up or amend a Direct Debit
You can pay business rates online here:
01234 718061
The payment line is available 24 hours a day. You will need the Business Rates Account Number shown on your bill, and your debit card or credit card.
BACS Transfer
Quote our Bank Sort Code 60-02-13, our Bank Account Number 62288849 and the Business Rates Account Number shown on your bill.
Post Office or Payzone outlet
Pay by cash or debit card: Take your Business Rates bill with you every time you pay so that the bar code can be scanned.
You can find your nearest Payzone shop on the Payzone website.
Difficulty paying your Business Rates?
Contact the Local Taxation Office straight away to discuss payment.
Otherwise the Council will take action if payments are not received by the due dates. This can mean you lose the right to pay by instalments. Legal action may also be taken resulting in additional legal costs and enforcement fees.
Please see the Council's Fair Debt Collection policy (PDF) for more information.
Pay in 10 or 12 monthly instalments
Business rates are normally due in ten monthly instalments on the 7th of each month from April to January. You may pay by twelve monthly payments, from April to March, on request. Use our business rates enquiry form to change to twelve monthly payments.