Citizenship ceremonies

See below for information on how to apply for citizenship, what to do once approved and arranging a citizenship ceremony.

How to apply for citizenship 

To find out more about Citizenship and to apply please go to GOV.UK.

Once your application has been approved

When the Home Office have approved your application they will send you an email to confirm this. You should then arrange a Citizenship ceremony, which is the last part of the process, with your local Council. The citizenship ceremony celebrates the significance of becoming a British citizen and welcomes the new citizen into the community. It must take place within three months of the applicant being informed that their application has been successful, unless the Home Secretary extends the period.

You can arrange your citizenship ceremony by emailing us at You will need to tell us your full name and provide a contact telephone number. We aim to reply within 10 working days.

The ceremony 

The ceremony, which is usually held in groups, is conducted by a Superintendent Registrar or Deputy Superintendent Registrar and is a celebration of becoming British.

The superintendent registrar will lead applicants through the oath or affirmation and the pledge and conclude the ceremony with the National Anthem.

Citizenship is not conferred until the prospective citizen has participated in the making of the oath or affirmation and pledge.

What do I need to bring with me

A citizenship ceremony is a formal occasion so please wear smart/formal day wear.

Please remember to bring:

  • your invitation letter from the Home Office
  • valid photographic ID, preferably your passport

You will not be able to attend the ceremony without these documents.