In England, when a pregnancy passes 24 weeks and the baby sadly dies before it is born, it is called a stillbirth. A stillbirth will usually need to be registered within 42 days.

If a baby sadly dies before 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is legally known as a miscarriage and will not go through the stillbirth registration process.

Stillbirth registration

In the rare event that you have not heard from a registrar within 2 working days, please email and include the below details:

  • your name
  • your telephone number
  • your relationship to the child

We will call you as quickly as we can and guide you through the registration process.

Who can register a stillbirth?

Please visit GOV.UK to find out who can register a stillbirth.

Request a baby loss certificate

If your pregnancy ends before 24 weeks, you can get a certificate in memory of your baby.  The certificate is free.

You do not need to request a certificate if you prefer not to. It’s optional.

Get support and advice

The following organisations are experienced in working alongside families and will be able to offer support and advice: