What does it take to help make Bedford healthier?
We met Robert Lindsay, a Sports Development Officer, whose job is to develop physical activity schemes which enable more people in the community to be more active. And he believes he has the perfect job if you are dynamic, innovative, enjoy connecting with people, and passionate about health and wellbeing.
“An average day for me starts with an early morning swim or the gym at Robinson Pool,” said Robert.
“Then I’ll come to the office and go through emails from participants and coaches that we work with, to check on their progress and if there’s anything that they need.
“In the morning there will then be meetings with our team to discuss upcoming projects such as events that my colleague Amy Stevens leads on or with Alison Brightman who leads on a long-term health conditions project. I then meet with our sports development team manager Richard Tapley to review updates before attending the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation group. Our team is funded by Public Health, and we align with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and also work closely with our Public Health colleagues.
“Then I’ll go to the venues where we hold the weekly sessions. There I’ll check on the sessions as they’re happening, collect participant data, and then meet with GLL (who manage the Bedford Borough leisure sites) to discuss how we can work with them to add value and increase opportunities and access to our leisure facilities.”
Robert, along with his colleagues in the Sports Development Team, works with a range of networks across Bedford Borough. They help people to overcome inequalities and other challenges to live healthier and happier lives, from older people to those with long-term health conditions and members of mental health groups.
While there are benefits from all kinds of Physical activity, Robert is particularly proud of the Mindful Sport sessions which run throughout the week at The Higgins, The Harpur Suite, and Robinson Pools and Fitness.
These include mindful table tennis every Monday, gentle Pilates on Tuesdays, mindful swimming on Wednesdays, and mindful yoga at two different venues every Wednesday. All sessions cost just £3, while the wellbeing walks on Fridays are free, and certain sessions can also be joined online via live streaming too.
Robert added; “We connect different communities in Bedford who might not know about each other and create opportunities that bring about equity for those with the most significant barriers to participation.
“For example, with swimming we supported the Rainbow Bedfordshire group to develop trans-friendly sessions, our mindful swim sessions are open to members of mental health groups and have dimmed lighting while classical music plays in the background. We have also developed women only sessions and supported partners to launch new ideas.
“I always like seeing people enjoy being active and trying different things. And with our sessions being subsidised and discounted, we do everything we can to make it as easy as possible for people to care for their own health and enjoy the benefits that being physical active will bring.”