Calling all artists! The Bedford Borough Council Events Team has announced a new community art project for this year's Bedford River Festival, taking place on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 July. Residents of all ages and abilities are invited to submit their artwork for a chance to be displayed in a dedicated community gallery at the festival.
The theme of the project is "Favourite places in Bedford." We want to celebrate the beauty and vibrancy of our town through the eyes of its residents. From historical landmarks to hidden gems, parks to shops, capture your favourite Bedford spot in a 2D piece of artwork.
Councillor Andrea Spice, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Planning and Prosperity said, "The Bedford River Festival is a much-loved community event, and this new art project is a fantastic way to get our communities involved. It's a wonderful opportunity for residents to showcase their creativity and share their love for Bedford with the thousands of visitors who attend the festival."
Here's how to participate:
Create a 2D piece of artwork that reflects your favourite place in Bedford.
Submit your artwork by Monday 17 June, you can send scanned entries to events@bedford.gov.uk or mail physical entries to: Bedford Borough Council, Events Team, Room 401, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP. Please be aware that Physical entries will not be returned, so scanned submissions are encouraged.
All accepted entries will be proudly displayed at the Bedford River Festival over the weekend, giving residents the chance to share their artistic vision with over 250,000 visitors!
Don't miss this exciting opportunity to showcase your talent and celebrate Bedford!