The Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park, with the kind support of Harrold Parish Council and the Borough Councillor Ward Fund, are delighted to announce a photo competition to celebrate this beautiful park. The theme is Landscape, Wildlife and People.
Photographers of all ages and abilities are invited to submit their best shots that showcase the stunning landscape, diverse wildlife, and the people who enjoy this special place.
The winning entries will not only receive a fantastic cash prize of £50 but will also be featured in a high-quality A3 calendar for 2025. Professionally designed and produced, the calendar will be available to purchase in October 2024.
Councillor Jim Weir, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways, and Transport at Bedford Borough Council, said, "Harrold-Odell Country Park is a true gem in our borough, and this competition is a fantastic opportunity to capture its magic through the lens. I encourage everyone who enjoys visiting the park to get involved.
“Your entry could be featured in next year's calendar, and all proceeds will go towards supporting the Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park who do such a valuable job in maintaining the park for everyone to enjoy."
All entries should be submitted by email to hocpphotocomp@anglernook.com and need to include the name of the photographer, date and time the photo was taken and a title and brief description for each photo.
Full details on how to enter, including technical specifications, can be found on the Harrold-Odell Country Park website at https://hocp.co.uk/news-and-events/special-events/.
The competition closes on July 20th, 2024.
The Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park support the Park Wardens with a wide range of tasks to improve it for visitors and wildlife, learn more about the team and the park too at www.bedford.gov.uk/HarroldOdell.