Financial boost for Foster Carers, Kinship Carers and Special Guardians

A family

Carers in Bedford Borough have been given a double boost, with an 8.6% increase in their allowances for 2024-25.

Carers across the country have been given a 4.6% annual uplift, but Bedford Borough Council has added an additional 4% increase – and it has been backdated to 1 April.

Bedford Borough Council oversees 50 in-house foster placements, as well as 32 family and friends placements, who care for more than 250 children in our care. Special Guardians care for a large number of our previously cared for children. All of these carers will benefit from this financial boost. 

A Bedford Borough Council spokesperson said; “We are contacting all of our carers to explain what this uplift will mean for them.

“For the majority of our children in care, the best option is a placement, with a family, which allows them to stay in Bedford Borough, and to keep going to the same school, and retain their local links, support network and relationships. Our foster carers play a huge role in making that possible.

“They are caring, dedicated people, who deserve as much support as we are able to give them.”

As well as their allowance, foster carers receive 24/7 out of hours support, support groups where they can meet other foster carers and share experiences, a ‘buddy’ foster carer who can provide support and advice, regular newsletters and training opportunities, and free membership to organisations including The Fostering Network, New Family Social, and The Bedfordshire Foster Care Association (BCFA).

Bedford Borough Council will hold its next fostering information evening online, on Tuesday 25 June from 7pm.

You can book your place by emailing or by calling on 01234 718 718.

You can also find out more on the fostering Facebook and Instagram pages by searching @BedfordFostering.

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