
We take bullying very seriously and work with schools, parents and our many partners to ensure that all children are free from bullying and feel safe to learn.

For the children and young people involved, the school and for the community outside the school gates, the effects of bullying are serious and long term.

We recognise and affirm the right of every child to learn and live in a safe, secure and supported environment.

Children in Bedford Borough should be protected from physical or mental harm and feel good about themselves and respect others.

Children and young people

Tell someone

Are you worried about bullying happening to you or someone else?

Across the country, whenever children and young people are asked about the things that worry them, bullying is named as one of their top concerns. In Bedford we are working hard to make sure that no one suffers because of bullying.

Remember bullying is not your fault and that it can happen to anyone. It is important to remember that you will not feel like this for ever and that by telling someone you will be able to get the support you need.

The answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about bullying can be found here (PDF)

Here are some websites and telephone numbers where you can get help

  • Kidscape an anti-bullying charity supporting both children and parents. 
  • Childline free confidential helpline 0800 1111

Parents and carers

Bullying is one of the main concerns that parents and carers have about their children’s safety and well being. As a parent it is right that you want your child to be safe and well.

To find out that your child is being bullied or may be using bullying behaviours against someone else is distressing. It can make you feel guilty, sad, worried, frightened, frustrated or helpless. 

Where else can I go for help?