Bedford Borough Council asks residents to help water young trees

Council staff watering a tree

With the recent hot weather, Bedford Borough Council is joining a national campaign from The Arboricultural Association inviting residents to help look after young trees planted near their homes. The Council watering teams are currently out watering but any tree young enough to have support stakes will benefit from additional water during higher than average temperatures.

Trees play a vital role in enhancing the local environment, providing shade, improving air quality, and offering a haven for wildlife. The Council has been committed to an extensive tree planting campaign, aiming to increase the tree cover across the borough and promote a greener, more sustainable future.

Jim Weir, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Highways and Transport, said, "We must nurture young trees for them to thrive. As residents, we all have a crucial role to play in protecting and supporting these valuable assets. By watering the young trees near our homes a few times each week we can all contribute to a healthier and more beautiful Bedford Borough."

Most trees planted in Bedford Borough within the last two years will have a hydration bag which slowly releases water over a number of hours. The Council advises residents to follow these simple guidelines when watering young trees:

  • water trees under three years old near you at least twice a week during dry periods, particularly during the summer months
  • try to water in the early morning or evening when the sun is not as strong
  • fill the hydration bag or apply water slowly and evenly to the base of the tree, allowing it to soak deep into the soil
  • avoid overwatering, as it can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot. Assess the moisture level of the soil before watering.

Bedford Borough Council remains committed to its mission of creating a greener and more sustainable future for all residents. By working together, we can create a lasting legacy for generations to come.

For further information on the national campaign and how you can inspire your local area, please visit

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